Wow, what a week this is turning out to be! I swear I need a few more hours in my day, or be a SAHM. Hmmm, how can I be a SAHM without having kids???? LOL. Anyway, can you believe how fast time is just flying by? It's already September. Yep, that means the summer break is officially over and it's back to school for all the kids and back to the regular traffic nightmare for the motoring public.
Seems like my twin nieces Danielle and Gabrielle were just born yesterday, and now they're entering grade 8. My little grand-niece (I know, it sounds weird) Kiarah is entering K5 and even my co-worker's baby girl Morgan is in I getting old or what???
NOT!!!!!, lol.
Kiarah, all dressed up and striking a pose on the 1st day of school! I tried to get her to rest her Dora knapsack down until I had taken her picture but she just wasn't having it!
Danielle, the Diva. All dressed up and looking smart in the uniform skirt that I made for her.
Don't you think I did a good job on the skirt, which by the way took up too much of my crafting time?
I didn't mind sewing the skirts, but I absolutely hated pleating the plaid material!
As always, thanks for stopping by!